AvPlay for Windows version 4.21 ------------------------------- This file replaces all previous versions : avw_b1.zip, avw_b2.zip, avw_21.zip avw_b3.zip, avw_b31.zip, avw_b4.zip avw_401.zip Released 13th October 1995 AvPlay is copyright (C) 1995 You may freely distribute the file AVW_421.zip ** AVPLAY REQUIRES TRUMPET WINSOCK (or equivalent) ** AvPlay has been tested and runes under Windows 95 Bug reports, suggestions, requests please email avplay@davros.demon.co.uk Try to include as much detail about your hardware, windows version, winsock version, AvPlay version and nature of the bug with any report you make. To Install, unzip the file into a temp directory then double-click setup.exe from File Manager. If you have problems look at the Troubleshooting section in the help file avplay.hlp by double- clicking on it from file manager. You must manually copy the help file avplay.hlp into the AvPlay directory.